Ihc histology service (IHC) is a powerful diagnostic technique used to identify proteins in tissue samples. It has many applications, from cancer research to drug development and clinical trials. IHC is typically used on formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue. FFPE specimens maintain their natural shape and structure during long-term storage and facilitate sectioning. They are often stored in preservatives like formalin to preserve the sample and prevent degradation prior to IHC staining.
IHC is a complex and time consuming process. Obtaining and maintaining the appropriate laboratory equipment, reagents and technical personnel are critical for optimal performance. Ensure that the IHC stains and protocols are properly tested and validated to guarantee accuracy and consistency.
Understanding IHC Histology Services: A Comprehensive Overview
For optimum results, use only high quality stains that are designed for a specific antigen. Using low quality stains may result in variable results. Obtain a complete set of positive and negative controls that are carefully examined to verify the results of each IHC stain.
Ensure that all tissue samples are fixed under known and consistent conditions to obtain well-adhering sections. Uneven, poorly-adhering sections may produce inconsistent results and are difficult to troubleshoot.
ihc histology service provides a wide range of standardized histological services for the research community including tissue grossing/cassetting, paraffin processing and sectioning, routing and special stains. Discounted pricing is available to primary investigators.